10 Ansätze zur Optimierung der Darstellung der Jagd in sozialen Medien
Lesezeit: 8 Minuten Die Darstellung der Jagd in sozialen Medien ist eine Herausforderung und zugleich eine enorme Chance. Gerade weil soziale Netzwerke oft…
Representative Study: Trophy Photos on Social Media Harm the Reputation of Hunting!
Reading time: 5 minutes More and more hunters are sharing their experiences on social media, reaching a broad, often non-hunting audience. In particular,…
Repräsentative Studie: Erlegerbilder in sozialen Medien schaden dem Ansehen der Jagd!
Lesezeit: 5 Minuten Immer mehr Jägerinnen und Jäger teilen ihre Erlebnisse in sozialen Medien und treffen damit auf eine breite, oft nicht jagende…
The impact of social media on our society – how can the hunt stand its ground communicatively?
Reading time: 8 minutes Have you ever wondered to what extent social networks have changed and will change our society? What power do they…
The Value of Hunting Stories for Conservation
Read time: 9 minutes This article was written by Paul McCarney. It was published in Conservation Frontlines E-Magazine, January 1, 2020. Our desire…
Social media for (not against) hunters
Read time: 7 minutes This article was written by Gerhard Damm, Editor-in-Chief of Conservation Frontlines and President of the Conservation Frontlines Foundation. It was published…
The hunter on social media
Read time: 5 minutes The importance of social media Today, the online world absorbs a gigantic part of our state of mind. With…